Alberto Pina (Athens, 1971)
Graduated in Fine Arts at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, specializing in Printmaking (1994) Fellow at the Academy of Spain in Rome (2003) Exhibits regularly since 1999 and numerous public institutions include some of his works. Among them are: the Municipal Museum of Madrid, the Museum of Contemporary Art Unión Fenosa of La Coruña and the Municipal Museum of Albacete.
Prominent artists, writers and art critics such as, for example, the realist painter Antonio López, the former director of the Reina Sofía Museum of Contemporary Art Juan Manuel Bonet, the director of the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum in Madrid Guillermo Solana, the curator Enrique Andrés Ruiz, or writers such as Belén Gopegui or Sergio del Molino have publicly recognized and admired the artistic value of Pina’s work.
Alberto Pina’s pictorial work, which includes portraits as well as still lifes and landscapes, reflects a decided interest in showing reality in its broad and ordinary nature, using an attentive and personal language in which a certain metaphysical intention coexists with a realism charged by a serene melancholy.
Andres Barba (Madrid 1975) is the author of more than 15 books of literary fiction, essay, poetry and the winner of prizes like Torrente Ballester prize, Juan March, Anagrama or Herralde Prize for fiction. His books have been translated into 22 languages, and was selected by Granta magazine like one of the best young Spanish novelists. Among his titles, available in English, are: Such Small Hands (Transit Books), The Right Intention (Transit Books), Rain over Madrid (Hispabooks), August, October (Hispabooks) and A luminous Republic (Granta and Houtghton Mifflin Hartcourt). His last book, thanks to a fellowship at the Cullman Center of the New York Public Library, is a biography of the architect Rafael Guastavino. He has been a visiting professor at Bowdoin College and Princeton University.